Competencies Astrophysicist in Alberta
Find out what competencies you typically need to work as an astrophysicist in Canada. These skills are applicable to all Physicists and astronomers (NOC 21100).
Skills Help - Skills
Proficiency or complexity level Digital Production 5 - Highest Level Quality Control Testing 5 - Highest Level Product Design 5 - Highest Level Operation Monitoring of Machinery and Equipment 5 - Highest Level Digital Literacy 5 - Highest Level Writing 5 - Highest Level Numeracy 5 - Highest Level Reading Comprehension 5 - Highest Level Oral Communication: Oral Comprehension 5 - Highest Level Oral Communication: Oral Expression 5 - Highest Level -
Proficiency or complexity level Digital Literacy 5 - Highest Level Writing 5 - Highest Level Numeracy 5 - Highest Level Reading Comprehension 5 - Highest Level Oral Communication: Oral Comprehension 5 - Highest Level Oral Communication: Oral Expression 5 - Highest Level Problem Solving 5 - Highest Level Critical Thinking 5 - Highest Level Learning and Teaching Strategies 5 - Highest Level Systems Analysis 5 - Highest Level
Personal Attributes Help - Personal Attributes
Importance Active Learning 5 - Extremely important Innovativeness 5 - Extremely important Analytical Thinking 5 - Extremely important Attention to Detail 5 - Extremely important Creativity 4 - Highly important Stress Tolerance 4 - Highly important Independence 4 - Highly important Collaboration 4 - Highly important Adaptability 4 - Highly important Leadership 3 - Important -
Importance Active Learning 5 - Extremely important Independence 5 - Extremely important Analytical Thinking 5 - Extremely important Attention to Detail 5 - Extremely important Innovativeness 4 - Highly important Creativity 3 - Important Stress Tolerance 3 - Important Leadership 3 - Important Collaboration 3 - Important Adaptability 3 - Important
Interest Help - Interest
Investigative Help - Investigative jobsRealistic Help - Realistic jobs -
Investigative Help - Investigative jobsRealistic Help - Realistic jobsArtistic Help - Artistic jobs
Knowledge Help - Knowledge
Knowledge level Technical Design 3 - Advanced Level Geoscience 3 - Advanced Level Physics 3 - Advanced Level Languages 3 - Advanced Level Mathematics 3 - Advanced Level Electrical and Electronics 2 - Intermediate Level Telecommunications 2 - Intermediate Level Training, Mentoring and Coaching 2 - Intermediate Level Geological Resources 1 - Basic Level Chemistry 1 - Basic Level -
Knowledge level Technical Design 3 - Advanced Level Physics 3 - Advanced Level Languages 3 - Advanced Level Mathematics 3 - Advanced Level Training, Mentoring and Coaching 2 - Intermediate Level Electrical and Electronics 1 - Basic Level Clerical 1 - Basic Level Human Resources and Labour relations 1 - Basic Level Public Safety and Security 1 - Basic Level
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