Summary Ocean And Lake Container Transportation Sales Representative in the Notre Dame-Central-Bonavista Bay Region
Find key facts and figures about working as an ocean and lake container transportation sales representative. The following information is applicable to all Sales and account representatives - wholesale trade (non-technical) (NOC 64101).
Sales representatives in wholesale trade (non-technical), sell non-technical goods and services to retail, wholesale, commercial, industrial, professional and other clients domestically and internationally. They are employed by establishments that produce or provide goods and services such as petroleum companies, food, beverage and tobacco producers, clothing manufacturers, motor vehicles and parts manufacturers, hotels, business services firms, and transportation companies. Auctioneers are included in this unit group. Sales representatives in wholesale trade who are supervisors are also included in this unit group.
Learn more about ocean and lake container transportation sales representative
High school or specific training
This occupation usually requires a secondary school diploma or several weeks of on-the-job training.
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Median wage in Newfoundland and Labrador
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The job prospects are fair in the Notre Dame-Central-Bonavista Bay Region
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0 jobs
advertised in Newfoundland and Labrador
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- Negotiating
- Persuading
- Time Management
- Reading Comprehension
- Oral Communication: Active Listening
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