Summary Administrative Officer in Newfoundland and Labrador
Find key facts and figures about working as an administrative officer. The following information is applicable to all Administrative officers (NOC 13100).
Early childhood educators plan, organize and implement programs for children between the ages of infancy and 12 years. Early childhood educator assistants provide care for infants and preschool- to school-age children under the guidance of early childhood educators. Early childhood educators and assistants lead children in activities to stimulate and develop their intellectual, physical and emotional growth and ensure their security and well-being. They are employed in child-care centres, day-care centres, kindergartens, agencies for exceptional children and other settings where early childhood education services are provided. Supervisors of early childhood educators and assistants are included in this unit group.
Learn more about child care worker, daycare
College or apprenticeship
This occupation usually requires a college diploma (community college, institute of technology or CÉGEP), an apprenticeship training of 2 or more years, or experience working in a supervisory occupation.
View job requirements about Job requirements
Median wage in Canada
View wages about Wages
The job prospects vary across Canada depending on the province or territory.
View prospects about Prospects
11 jobs
advertised in Canada
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- Time Management
- Management of Personnel Resources
- Management of Material Resources
- Coordinating
- Instructing
View competencies about Competencies
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